Thursday, August 28, 2014

Along For the Ride!

1001 Nachts= Grandkids Adventure=Alaska State Fair

They are all smiles as they take their seats. The ride operator flips a switch and they are locked in. It is all smiles and laughter as the large bench rotates from right to left, gently sweeping past the platform and those of us watching their ride. Sweep one- smiles. Sweep two- a little higher but still smiles from the riders. Sweep three and four- going higher and higher, significantly altering the facial expressions of those now fully committed to the ride. Sweep five and they reach the top, rotating all the way around the circle, like manic arms of an out of control alarm clock. Some of the riders shout with glee. Others, an unnamed grandchild of mine, vacillate between fun and fright!  But it matters little- the riders cannot get off the ride. There they will stay, until the moment the ride is over and the operator releases them. The ride started and they have no choice but to ride it out and wait until it is completed. The only choice they have is how they will interact with the motion of the ride- will they interpret it as fun, or with fear?

I could not help but visualize the analogy between this ride and LIFE!  From the moment we are conceived we are locked into our seat by THE Operator.  Off we go, gently moving through the cycle of life, but eventually we reach those moments of our Life Ride when we also vacillate between enjoyment of the "ride" and fear of the unexpected. Perhaps, like our carnival riders, we also experience fear because we DO know what to expect with the next round. Fun or Fear, or sometimes both.  One thing we all share, though, is that we are "stuck" just like those riders. Life is going to carry us along and we are locked into it.

Unlike this carnival ride, though, we do have choices.  We can face the situations in life differently because we can KNOW the Operator. Unlike the carnival ride, The Operator of our Life cares deeply about us. Even when we face those cycles that strike fear in our hearts, we can trust that The Operator has our best interests and that He has a plan to carry us through. It all depends on if we know The Operator, or if we do not. So, the next time you face those moment in life when you cannot decide how to respond- fun or fear- look around and see how well you know The Operator. Then He can help you relax in your seat and experience peace, even when you feel like circumstances are out of control.

Now, for some cotton candy!

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