Monday, June 3, 2013

Christianity and structure..

Is prayer enough?  Do we need structure? Does strategy prevent God from working? If it is used in business, than can it ever be good for Christian organizations?

Funny how odd these sound when we actually see them in print, but we often function as though they are true.  In fact, I wonder if we don't all have stories (narratives) that we can recall, or even rehearse, that might support one or all of these statements.

The problem is that it does not seem to square with Scripture. Or even how God works.
Read the book of Nehemiah.  Here was a drama that included a successful outcome, but only after adequate prayer, humiliation, use of human resources, and strategy.  And they accomplished God's Will for their time.

Or read through the Genesis account of Creation. Hm, seems that God thought things through pretty strategically. The animals didn't appear before the air, or the waterfowl before the water. Or anything before there was life-giving sunlight.  Strategy.

Then there is the building of the Temple. God gave incredible detail to King Solomon, and everything was accomplished according to this order and this plan.

So, the next time we shrug off the thought of structure or strategy and hint at it being unspiritual, I guess we need to go back to The Book.  And maybe it is a good thing to learn from other professions and adopt what will work for us, and help us fully accomplish some of the things that God has laid before us.  Seems that strategy and structure is scriptural after all.  And SOUND!

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