Thursday, February 6, 2014

Disciples. What are they? How are they developed? Is there an end?

 We are moving toward the development of
LEaD Alaska-
A residential Leadership and Discipleship Community

A future "program"  on the Lazy Mountain campus.

The LEaD Alaska team will be wrestling with a core question-
WHAT does it mean to disciple someone?
What does it mean to be discipled?
Is it for everyone with a relationship with God?
IS it simply that....a relationship with God?

Is it something we are "roped" into?

Are we discipled in "herds?"

Does it require a group to be accomplished?

When we are a disciple
is it a mountain-top experience?

WHO is a disciple?

Is being a disciple only for children?

Should we enter into the process as enthusiastically as these children?

To be it a long journey?
Is there a destination?

Is the road straight? Crooked?

If you are a disciple, does it make you soar?

These are REAL issues we face as we, the LEaD Alaska team, work toward the development and realization of this program.

How do we define discipleship?
What makes a disciple?
How will we know if a participant is being/has been discipled?
What did Jesus mean when He told us to go and make disciples?

As we wrestle through this next week, we would welcome your thoughts.
PLEASE comment, email, or even call with your thoughts and ideas.